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Insights on Choosing Your Next Work at Home Option

Have you heard? The podcast is running again! In fact, we're on episode 12 of our 13 week Vibrant Living Series.

Like everyone, I am juggling a lot of things right now. I felt compelled, though, to offer this series on practical things people can do to uplevel their lives, whatever that means.

It hasn't always stayed in the practical tips lane, but we are always about living vibrantly.

This episode will help so many people. While I have been working from home for many years, I know so many people struggle, no matter who their mentor is. Think about it... it's a business and it requires some due diligence. I love the way Ryan Harris speaks on this subject, so I asked him to join me for this episode. I think you'll learn something, whether you are looking at network marketing, referral marketing, MLM, or traditional home business ventures.

What exactly should you consider to maximize your success in your next work-at-home business?

Click the image to listen. Read below for the transcript.

I REALLY hope you find it has value! Enjoy!

Guest Contact Info:

Ryan Harris, Arcane Marketing

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Kimberly Henrie: [00:00:02] This is episode 2012 of the Vibrant Living series. I'm Kimberly Henrie and this is Living the Good Life. More and more as we navigate a changing workplace with fewer people choosing the 9 to 5 and gravitating toward creating a work life that supports [00:00:17] their passions and life goals, many are choosing home-based business or work at home options. As that industry has shifted over the years there have been many success stories, but also many heartbreaks.

Today, we'll talk about why It may be and share some [00:00:32] practical insights around choosing your next venture. Ryan Harris is an experienced entrepreneur, business owner and visionary. After years in sales, then the engineering world, working on design and project management, Ryan shifted his attention [00:00:47] to gain a better understanding of why people make the buying decisions they do why they choose one product over another or one service over another. His vision for growing small businesses and his drive to help these businesses thrive are a motivating factor [00:01:02] in his day.

Let's meet our guest Ryan Harris. Ryan Harris, I'm so happy to have you with us today.

Ryan: Good to be here. Thanks for having me.

Kimberly: You betcha. Where are you coming to [00:01:17] us from today?

Ryan: I'm joining you from Idaho Falls, Idaho. A little small City in the Southeastern corner of Idaho. Love it here. It's terrible weather. You should not come here. Nothing beautiful about it. But I love it really.

Kimberly: [00:01:32] That’s what I say about Colorado

Ryan: right? It's a Hidden Gem.

Kimberly: I've been Idaho Falls a few times. I Absolutely loved it up there and if I couldn't be in Colorado or I couldn't be at the beach. That would be I guess my third choice. I love it the dynamics the [00:01:47] rural agricultural and the beauty.

Ryan: It’s great place to raise a family for sure.

Kimberly: Yeah. Tell me a little bit about your family and what you've got going on.

Ryan: Well, it'll be 18 years ago that I married my beautiful [00:02:02] wife Aubrey. We have three beautiful children. My oldest is 13. She's a sports junkie loves sports basketball. A softball specifically right now. My middle daughter is my artistic daughter. She's a dancer creative loves to paint [00:02:17] loves to draw and she's quite frankly brilliant at it. She loves photography graphic design. She's kind of going to that world and then my son is eight and he's an avid Sports. Junkie as well. He eats sleeps walks and talks anything with a ball [00:02:32] right now his life keeps you busy. Oh it does it. I love it. Yeah, I absolutely Love it. I get a chance to coach and be with my kids. I coach my daughter's 14 you softball team and we just find so much [00:02:47] joy in helping people grow helping the youth especially learn how to become more effective more efficient in their lives. Give him some self encouragement and help them recognize that their incredible human beings at a young age so they can take it into their life in whatever aspect they decide [00:03:02] to pursue.

Kimberly: So that's amazing. That's amazing and that's got to keep you so busy. So, how do you find time? Time to do all of the other things that you do?

Ryan: Well the way that I look at it. Those are my rocks and then I just delete everything else in right [00:03:18] is this life family comes first and foremost, you know quite frankly. That's what it's all about family comes first and foremost and then and then work and then life and I get up early to work early so that I can spend time with my kids in the early [00:03:33] afternoon soaring softball games and tournaments and I work late because that's just it's just the way that we do it the Love and the passion that I have for life life is first businesses second.

Kimberly: I love that and I read something recently how that seems to be. The culture [00:03:48] is Shifting that people are becoming and especially the newer generation the Millennials if you will are coming in and they're understanding that far younger than we ever did that we need to build our work around our life [00:04:03] versus.

Ryan: Yeah. It's fascinating. You know, I've studied the millennial generation the younger generation in many regards. Guards and one thing that I've learned so much from them just like you said is that you know, they've watched their parents go through the rat race of working for 40 years [00:04:18] and still not being able to retire and not living a life of fulfillment. And as a result, they're looking at it from a different Paradigm. They're looking at ways that they can create more balance in their life while working and work their whole life. They don't care versus working 40 retiring and then [00:04:33] I having life after that right because they dedicated so much time and energy to their career their profession. So, I mean I learn a lot from every generation but specifically that generation how to create more flexibility more ability to work from wherever whenever and still [00:04:48] get the job done.

Kimberly: Right then life just becomes life. It's not about these segments of you know working and then God forbid something happens getting and you don't get to live out the fun part of life, right? Let's do it now exactly. Right? [00:05:03] What are you doing to fund your

Ryan: life? Well, that's a really great question. I run three different businesses. Currently. I run a digital marketing agency a 30-person digital marketing agency with our digital agency. We have [00:05:18] pay-per-click Specialists Google pay-per-click social media paid advertising Specialists. We have search engine optimization Specialists on our team web development specialist. We've got videography basically route five companies all specialists in their specific [00:05:33] industry and brought them into one company to offer a higher quality better solution for the clients that we were working with. Well, that's one of the things that I found a lot of passion and over the last 9 years. I was infatuated with consumer behavior. And I found one of the best ways to reach those consumers [00:05:48] is digital media in today's environment. So built a business around that build a business around a passion and I've loved it ever since one of the other things that I really believe in is giving value providing value to anyone and everyone that I can come in contact with and as a result, we built an event business [00:06:03] where we bring driven individuals. We put together driven individuals that are in the pursuit of building stronger communities. He's The Mastermind together. We coach together we train together and as a byproduct of that we found a lot of success in business by learning from each [00:06:18] other and educating our self from other successful entrepreneurs and business owners have gone before us and it's provided so much value in my personal life, but also a lot of value for the contacts and the members that are part of that group. And then finally I've been you know for the last [00:06:33] 11 years old 11 years in January been in the home-based direct sales model and Just absolutely loved the type of people that I meet the driven individuals. I mean my life is all about what Zig Ziglar said you can have everything [00:06:48] you want in this life by helping enough other people get what they want. And that really truly is my life mission. It's my life purpose. It's the Legacy that I want to leave is where I want to go and what I want to do and so I find vehicles that helped me create that opportunity to [00:07:03] lift and raise and Elevate others become more live - elevator businesses what our event this This mission statement is and that's really where the I find my passion and I find the joys of life and of business and like I said before I try to do that as much as [00:07:18] I can in my family life and in my coaching life as well. So

Kimberly: like you're bringing those inspirational words off the paper and creating them in real life. That's amazing

Ryan: trying to

Kimberly: great great job Brian great job. So [00:07:33] obviously you have multiple streams of income if you will. How important do you think that Is especially in today's climate,

Ryan: you know, it's interesting. That's a really really good question. When I was 25 years old. I read a [00:07:48] book called Rich Dad Poor Dad and in the context of that book and many people have heard and read that book. It talked about the way to retire and there was a phrase and I'm going to slaughter it but this is the way that I interpreted the phrase. It basically said the best way to retire [00:08:03] in life is create more passive streams of income than you have active expenditures so some People can create that through one stream of income. I have found multiple ways of fulfilling my life mission by creating and leveraging multiple streams [00:08:18] of income and quite frankly in Industries and markets with the fluctuation of markets. I found myself much more confident in the directive that I'm taking my life and the life of my family the protection I have because we've created multiple streams [00:08:33] of passive and active income. And so I'm a big believer. I'm a big believer of always having a Hustle, not putting all your eggs in one basket for say because I feel like if you put your eggs in one basket You're vulnerable and we see that in today's market, [00:08:48] especially the people have found themselves more vulnerable than they ever have been they might have been working a nice six figure income job, but when some of the changing pandemic and the changing environment of our economy switch, they were left in unemployment [00:09:04] and felt like a little bit like they were caught, you know red-handed without being prepared. aired financially living paycheck to paycheck without the opportunity to find a way to create more Revenue stream for them or an additional Revenue stream that provided value [00:09:19] in their life right now just another sales opportunity, but a true residual income stream where those that were a part of that income stream provided that income because of the retention that was associated with the business that they were in part of so [00:09:34] fascinating to me for sure residual income passive income multiple streams of income is from Perspective where you find true

Kimberly: peace. I think that's incredibly important and just from my experience and from interviewing some other folks who have lived [00:09:49] through losing their corporate income losing the job. They thought they were going to have for Life the ones they were passionate about unexpectedly and then you not even to mention Enron and some of the other big disasters we've heard [00:10:04] about over the last 20 years. I really profess to anyone L. Listen to me. You really definitely need to have more than one thing that you're working on.

Ryan: Just yeah, just for that reason - yeah, [00:10:19] I mean recognize that. We're in a side gig economy right now. Hmm. Everyone is looking for an additional way and the hardest part about that is most people when they evaluate different potential opportunities to build an extra stream of income. [00:10:34] They don't know what to look for. They don't know how to evaluate those streams of income and as a by-product they throw Subs into business models that may or may not prove beneficial and then they get burned and then they just basically throw their hands up and say well nothing works. There's nothing yet provides value to me. [00:10:49] So this model that I'm participating in right now really doesn't work and so I'm just going to go back to what's comfortable and you know life ends right inside of that comfort zone. One of my favorite quotes is life begins at the end of your comfort [00:11:04] zone Ado. I give your comfort zone right? I can push ourselves to really learn the craft. Whatever craft that might be if we can really push ourselves to learn a craft that could provide an additional stream of income and I mean quite frankly. It's a life-changer. [00:11:19] It's a game changer. It changes everything

Kimberly: right? Let's kind of lay our cards on the table little bit. There's the you know, one of those things is a phrase that people throw around quite a bit when they're looking at or when they're approached about something like that. [00:11:34] Why do you think that people have fear around?

Ryan: Side gig so if you're has to acronyms right false evidence appearing real and the other acronym is face everything and rise and I think when you talk about [00:11:49] fear in a negative context, I think is what you're trying to share think most people look at it and feel like someone has gone before it's not new. It doesn't Elevate status and as a by-product it's a risk for them to diminish [00:12:04] their personal status and be a part of something. Because they're afraid others will look at them and say well you're a less of a person because you decided to engage in an industry or a company that [00:12:19] I quite frankly. I don't see it as a value play right? It's super fascinating been reading a book recently called expert Secrets by Russell Brunson. And in that context, he talks a lot about how people make decisions based on their experience [00:12:34] and based on how they're seen from a status perspective. So I think that Industries some of the industries out there in the marketplace and especially the home based business industry has a connotation to it that if you engage in it, you're desperate [00:12:49] or if you engage in it, you're seeking something that may or may not work and most of the time the models have proven that they don't work. So you're engaging in an industry that potentially could have a negative impact. And so I think when when we use [00:13:04] the word fear or false evidence appearing real they look at those experiences of other people People that have quote-unquote failed their perception of failure and they don't want to be a part of that because they feel it to status play. Right? [00:13:19] Whereas those of us that have been in the industry and those of us that recognize the power of the industry and the power of home-based businesses and sharing recognize that it's quite frankly. There is nothing about the industry that screams a diminish of [00:13:34] status a matter of fact, it's a it's a lift. It's a raise every company that I've seen out there in the Marketplace, especially in the home based business industry is trying to raise people. It's trying to engage with people and help them become more in their lives and whether the model works or not. [00:13:49] The industry itself is a big game of self-development. And I think that's one of the most impactful things that anyone can do in their life, whether they engage in to make money in a company or not the amount of personal development and personal strength that comes from engaging [00:14:04] in that type of an industry with other driven minded people that love it. Have passion for self-improvement and self-development is intoxicating

Kimberly: sounds like a great place to keep it. How do you choose where to put your

Ryan: energy? [00:14:19] You know, it's a really good question and a little bit about my backstory. My father was actually in network marketing world for quite some time. He was very successful with an insurance based company called A L Williams. He was the regional manager and was traveling [00:14:34] all over the country called over the world quite frankly with a l Williams. He's one of the top producers. And my perception of what he was doing left the negative sentiment to me because he was always gone. He was always busy. He's always doing things but I didn't have the opportunity to spend that [00:14:49] time with him because he was always building something and trying to create a better life for me and our family we had seven kids. I frankly if you have that many kids. Sometimes you have to spend more time. Just providing an income right for your family. And so I had a negative perception going [00:15:04] into it. Okay, and so I was open to the idea. However, and when I was in college, I was approached by really good friend of mine who I played High School baseball with and he was a part of a certain organization that have been around for a long time. You know, this was right after I'd read Rich Dad [00:15:19] Poor Dad and so I became a student of the game. I recognize that there's value in it. I couldn't quite frankly afford to be a part of it at that time. And so instead of just passing it off as like a whatever I decided to really invest [00:15:34] time and do some research. It's the first time I think that I'd ever heard of residual income or pass. Streams of income outside of Rich Dad Poor Dad and buying real estate properties and holding onto those realistic problems right now super intrigued and so I became a student of the game. It's a matter of fact over the [00:15:49] next two years. I evaluated a hundred different business models. Wow, none of which really spoke to me right? None of really which spoke to me. And so when I went through this evaluation criteria, I came up with kind of this this level [00:16:04] of how do I really evaluate a business? And what does that look like for me? Difficult, it's not what does it look like for everyone else? Because I was going to the meetings. I was listening to their pitches, but I'm not driven per se I don't make emotional decisions. Maybe it's my engineering background, but [00:16:19] I don't make emotional decisions. I really try to dive in deep and say what are the things that I need to know in order for me to throw my attention my energy and my Integrity into it. Hmm. I wasn't willing to just throw any of those into any different business [00:16:34] model out there. And so I evaluated those. I found so many different things that were amazing so, Companies that were amazing but yet there was something that was always missing to me and I'll tell you the biggest red flag for me was I had been in the world of sales for years. [00:16:49] Hmm and I wasn't looking to do another Zero to Hero sales organization and I think sometimes you know in home-based business industry many businesses positioned their income, if you will as residual [00:17:04] when in reality the retention is so low that it's not really residual it. Says sales based organization was a small residual component to it because the numbers really don't

Kimberly: match. Can you expand on that a little bit [00:17:19] for those who aren't familiar with how residual income

Ryan: works? Yeah. Well in recognize that my definition of residual income probably is different than others. Okay get my definition of residual income is am I earning something off of a consumer-based not a distributor base, [00:17:34] but consumer base of people that are buying products because they want the product not because They're forced to buy or not from a distribution base that has to buy in order to earn an income off of what they're doing. Right? So I want I was looking for monthly Shoppers [00:17:49] of people that were going to buy but there had to be a really qualified value proposition to that and for me it was can I find a product in the marketplace that is comparable to what's on the grocery store Shelf versus [00:18:04] a price that's well above and beyond the grocery store shelf now again, I've done a lot. Lot of research and what I learned is that many business models create the price of their product based on how they pay out the distribution based and not [00:18:19] based on what a fair market value would be for a product that make sense.

Kimberly: Yes, but maybe restate

Ryan: that. Yeah. I mean, I was enabled at home that makes me nervous looking for and what was fascinating to me as I was looking for a product line that [00:18:34] compared to a fair market value like grocery store shelves or hole. Based pricing or Amazon based pricing right? I wanted a product that would compare to what people were spending money on already at a fair market value versus spending [00:18:49] 50 to 70 to 80 to 200 percent markup just told that in recognized the products are fantastic. Right? But most of the pricing models were set up specifically to pay the distribution based and not to compete against [00:19:04] other products in the fair market or the real fair market value.

Kimberly: Do you think that drives? People to move into that distributorship when all they really want is a product at a decent

Ryan: price. I think it does in some cases. I think the models of many companies create [00:19:19] a discounted price point for those people that are willing to redistribute it but most people don't redistributed anyway, right? They don't write l or they don't set up consumer accounts. All they do is by their initial package or whatever so that they can get the discounted prices because they're not even willing to pay the prices that [00:19:34] the rest of their customers pay it for right or spending and that was another thing. I was super intrigued. I wanted to find a model where everybody pays the same price whether you're building the business or not. You should get a discount just because you're building the business and you shouldn't have to pay to get that discount significantly [00:19:49] higher than what other people do or be required to consistently to pay a 50 or 70 or a hundred percent markup just to buy the product as a consumer seems to me like it, you know, the right model would fit the fact that their unique [00:20:04] products that are priced at a fair market value that are able to be purchased by by all and not just by a distribution base. Hmm.

Kimberly: What are some of the other things that you set up as criteria?

Ryan: So it's interesting because when I got into the industry [00:20:19] 11 years ago, the whole model was getting quick get in first right be the first one into the market and figure out how do we best create a market? And how do we best be the first one in so that we can win we get around Laura, [00:20:36] you know quite frankly those scared me. Because they didn't have any sort of a track record. Listen. I started my own business nine years ago in the first four years. I spent really building the business with little to no income [00:20:51] coming in as a byproduct of that and there were so many mistakes. I made so many things that I did wrong that I never wanted to be a part of any company that was a ground floor because I knew they didn't have it figured out fully they were going to have mistakes and those mistakes [00:21:06] especially if I'm putting my reputation on the line in that. In the home based industry the decisions that a corporation made or makes when they're early is a lot more risky than if it's sustainable business meaning they have a track record of individuals [00:21:21] that have been there and done that now I've been intrigued with the ground floor models. Mmm. I've because it's new and it's an elevation of status in some cases. Yes. I'm it's just new but the reality is most of the [00:21:36] new companies, especially the evolution of the industry. As we speak today, most of those new companies are being bought up by an older company border being shut down because they don't quite know how to play in the market continuously [00:21:51] and they're going to make mistakes and it's a lot easier to make mistakes of the smaller distribution based. But if you have a big distribution based and you make the mistake, you're getting shut down now, I mean the FTC is stronger and more loud than it's ever been. They don't want to [00:22:06] mess around. They don't want consumers to be burned by the Dustry, which they are and I get it people are making decisions, but they don't want consumers to be burned by the industry. But they also want to protect the Integrity of the industry as a by-product.

Kimberly: I think that's super important. But also I think just knowing [00:22:21] who you portrayed yourself to be in the last 20 minutes and the relationships that you're building and the care that you have for others when you get into a ground floor opportunity at some point. It's no longer ground floor. So what are you doing to the people [00:22:36] that you're you know bringing in after that? That's Is that serving them? Yeah, that would

Ryan: in one thing is super interesting. Another another key critical component for me was do those people that I bring to the table. Can they get hurt can they get her from a product [00:22:51] purchasing perspective meaning are they going to have to invest thousands of dollars that they don't have in order to be part of a certain model or can they get hurt from you know from a reputation perspective are they going to be seen as the desperate marketer versus the qualified, [00:23:06] you know relationship Builder if you know one of the things That I always promised myself getting into the industry is I would never lose a friend over building a business. Yeah. I mean, it's just my passion is building people and if I felt like there was a situation where I was desperate and begging [00:23:21] I needed to get out of the industry and so is super important to me that I found the vehicle that that really played that and you know, what's interesting to me another kind of key critical component that meant a lot to me is same thing with ground floor and management and who was running the business [00:23:36] was the is there a track record of the management? Did they come from the industry home based business industry to do they come from external of the industry? Because once you get large enough like you were saying once you get to a big enough company, you need those people that have engaged [00:23:51] in bigger companies to know how to take it from one level to the next if you only have people that are inside of a company that have been inside the model then they're not going to be able to see how the real world of business works because quite frankly the [00:24:06] home based business industry. It has real Business components of it but a vast majority of the model of the distribution of the creation is different than what traditional business looks like. Hmm, which is fine and I'm not saying it's a negative thing but the [00:24:21] model itself when you don't have the background and experience with running traditional business, sometimes you don't know where to take the business next and as a by-product company sale, they're guessing because of lack of experience versus [00:24:36] adapting because of experience

Kimberly: There's actually only a handful of companies that have grown to that bigger level and that's probably exactly because of what you're saying.

Ryan: Yeah, and you know, what's interesting is the vulnerability [00:24:51] of those small companies now instead of trying to continue to grow because of the atmosphere and the environment that we're in right now, they're looking to sell right. They're looking to sell a lot quicker than they're looking to continue to grow their distribution base. They're looking for other companies that are saying [00:25:06] hey, we will acquire you will bring on your Distributors will Pay you this much money and then those that created the company or out right they get there by out on their gone. There's nothing wrong with that. Listen. It's a phenomenal model. I mean it's a very profitable model for the owners, [00:25:21] but that's another one of the complexities in the business right where is and how is the compensation being paid out in to whom is the compensation? What's the value proposition B and the compensation right? Because many times you have a model that is established [00:25:36] to and I heard it once said this way. By one of the top experts and leaders. I was in a meeting with him and he talked specifically about compensation models and he said the compensation models are created solely based upon how [00:25:51] they want the distribution based to act react and respond. So if it's a high commission based model in a sales organization and they're going to bonus from upfront stuff. Mmm-hmm. They want to build a distribution based on their going to give lower up from bonuses and more residual [00:26:06] income on the back end. So the model is Pacific Lee built to create the activity and action of the distribution base and that's why you look at I would say in my 10 years of experience. There's probably two to three hundred different companies with [00:26:21] about four or five different business models. They all use a similar binary or a three-legged compensation structure or a unilevel compensation structure and most of the times they stay away from the unilevel because they don't have the distribution base [00:26:36] to create the residual income to pay that out because of Hypertension right the binaries and the try Nares, you know, those are an interesting model because now you're having to balance things and you're getting paid based on the weakest elements of your business and your you know, your organization [00:26:52] versus being paid on those producers that are really going out and taking time and doing due diligence and really creating value long term for those that are attached to to the organization. So fascinating to me

Kimberly: you have definitely done your

Ryan: homework learned a few things.

Kimberly: We could really [00:27:07] get into the weeds here, but We need to wrap things up. And I think you've just brought a lot of things to the table for us to think about it's not as simple necessarily A sitting down at your friends acquaintances dining room table and [00:27:22] handing them a check for $500. It's just not that easy and it can be a very rewarding career. It sounds

Ryan: like you know what it is. It's a very rewarding career but like with any career, I think one of the things that's unique about [00:27:37] the home-based business industry is many Don't do due diligence before they jump in and so they jump in at the request or at The Testament of their friend and because they don't do their own due diligence goes back to what we talked about before right? Sometimes [00:27:52] they feel because they bought into what their friend was saying that now they were burned because of that and you know my if I could give any advice for those that are looking at the home-based industry and really trying to determine if it's the right industry and and a company and if it's the right model for them, I would [00:28:07] say do your due diligence take some time to breathe figure out talk to some of the leaders, you know, if you have someone that's recruiting you find one of the top leaders that they're connected to and ask those tough questions, right? Ask. What is the retention of their business how many of their customers continue [00:28:22] to shop ask whether management team comes from We're Google it? Mmm, right ask how the compensation plan works and why it works the way that it does figure out how long the company has been around and what that really means to them and even those simple five questions can [00:28:37] really bring a lot of The light the unfortunate thing is there are too many people in the industry that are faking it until they make it they're claiming. They're making more money and just ask they be transparent with me share with me your real income. [00:28:52] Even if it's only five hundred dollars that's inspiring to me, right but don't tell me you're making 5,000 when you're making

Kimberly: 500. Oh boy. I have a story for you on that one, but we do not have

Ryan: time. Yeah. I mean that's what I would say is but yeah, I will tell you this those of you that are looking at the home [00:29:07] based business industry. It's a wonderful Business model it's changed my life. I was broke and I was

broken in it fixed me it gave me those things that I needed most in my life. And that was time to be with those that I love the most the industry is incredible find [00:29:22] one that fits you and then run with it right find one that fits you figure out how it works for you and then run with it great

Kimberly: message Brian. How do people reach you if they have more

Ryan: questions. You can find me on LinkedIn Ryan Harris [00:29:37] on LinkedIn Ryan Imob Harris on Facebook probably the easiest way to find me because I put a differentiator because you know, how many Ryan Harris is there all the world there are way too many or you can email me we can put the link [00:29:52] in the show notes for my email reach out. Send me a text. I'm always happy to talk to people. I love this business model and I always appreciate the opportunity to share what I've learned in the industry to help other people make it even if it's not working with me right? Maybe just get some perspective on what you're [00:30:07] looking at be happy to you ate and share some of my ideas with you.

Kimberly: So fabulous Ryan. Thank you so much.

Ryan: My pleasure.

Kimberly: Thank you for joining us for this episode of the vibrant living series. It's always a pleasure to connect with you here and in our Facebook Community [00:30:22] search for living the good life community and join the conversation. Our goal is to provide tips and conversations around ways to embrace the goodness of life and take a big juicy bite out of it food for the soul and the funny bone learn to give more [00:30:37] time to yourself because A better friend lead an amazing life and how to tell the best joke at the party. I'm Kimberly Henrie and this is Living the Good Life.

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