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Leadership Purpose And Your Zone Of Genius: Living the Good Life Episode 42

Learning to love and project yourself inside and out

Episode 42

Air Date: 9/22/21

Guest: Joy Ruffen, Signature Style Specialist & Professional Speaker

Joy Ruffen has always had a keen eye for fashion, design, and style. Around the age of 13, as a

budding seamstress, her home economics teacher pulled her aside in awe of her intuitive knowing of

harmony and balance. These words resonated and a future-stylist was born.

She won the “Best Dressed Award” from the School of Design in Cleveland, Ohio. And, in a

moment she’d never forget, her sense of fashion and natural eye for design principles were were enthusiastically pointed out by the head designer in her first position as assistant designer at “Smartee,” a leading sportswear brand.

Joy went on to study at the world-renowned Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. It was here that her awareness of style, attention to detail, and her killer instincts landed her in the exciting world of Fashion Merchandising.

Today, Joy stands for professional women, both young and mature to shine as the intelligent,

sophisticated, and classy women they are so that they can excel in their careers. While it is true

that “you can’t judge a book by its cover,” in the business world, however, those that dress the part

have the greatest chance of being catapulted into success. She believes that all women can still

incorporate their own sense of style while coming across as polished and professional, an art form

that has been slowly dying in our current culture.

Joy works as a Style and Leadership Coach, and Public Speaker. Her passion and purpose is for

women to feel incredible about themselves on the inside and to look equally amazing on the outside.

She teaches how to acquire the look of elegance and sophistication, with ease. When her clients

walk into a room, they command it by projecting confidence, integrity, and charisma, firmly

standing in their power.


More from Joy:

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